sábado, 3 de enero de 2015

Tambura in Drone. Sonidos para aquietar la mente y favorecer la meditación

The tampura is the drone instrument used in Indian Classical Music
+ Drone on D
+ Mix tampura Drone +50 vídeos

It does not play melody but rather supports and sustains the melody of another instrument or singer by providing a continuous harmonic bourdon or drone.

In music, a drone is a harmonic or monophonic effect or accompaniment where a note or chord is continuously sounded throughout most or all of a piece. The word drone is also used to refer to any part of a musical instrument that is just used to produce such an effect.
A drone effect can be achieved through a sustained sound or through repetition of a note. It most often establishes a tonality upon which the rest of the piece is built. A drone can be instrumental, vocal or both.

A tanpura is not played in rhythm with the soloist or percusionist: as the precise timing of plucking a cycle of four strings in a continuous loop is a determinant factor in the resultant sound, it is played unchangingly during the complete performance.

La tanpura, tambura o tambora, es un instrumento de cuerda pulsada de la India, que se usa para mantener sonidos zumbantes constantes.
La tanpura ofrece la peculiar y mántrica constancia de su sonido.

Tiene cuatro cuerdas, aunque excepcionalmente hay tanpuras de 5 cuerdas.

Fuentes: Wikipedia Tanpura, Drone  Tanpur (India)

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